Friday, April 15, 2011

Hedge Fund - March 17th

Cross Hair (CXX) - Uranium play where the moratorium is going away soon in Labrador. Also hold gold.

Great Western - Vertically integrated processing facility deposits are also good. - watch out because this is likely an emerging bubble but that will come back due to the Japan reconstruction efforts

First Majestic Silver - Good he owns in portfolio

CVR - has huge upside if awarded a Kuwait oil services contract. Already pre approved. The UN had granted Kuwait 3 billion to clean up the Iraq mess and although this contract which is only 210 million it could lead to a bigger contract of 3 billion. the company could easily increase by 2x or 3x just by the announcement if they win the contract or not.

Estralla (EEN) - at 80 cents. Central latin america Argentina / peru / Columbia - Fast growing areas - very cheap ex-schlumberger management.

Small cap stocks - BMO PM

Enablence - (ENA)
Copper Mountain - (CUM) great performer and still recommends the stock. Recommended it last time.
Quadra FNX (QUX) - says the growth prospects are great has a great portfolio of resources including copper but operational results are not very good. Great stock to own between quarters. Although the last quarter was great.
AAA - Allana Potash - they own this in their portfolio they like the Ethiopian assets and how they can be a low cost producer
Perseus Mining - West africa play that she recommended last time. Thinks that the Libyan crisis is giving it a higher risk premium and is trading sideways.

TOP Picks
Bear Creek Mining - Will get multiple expansion in 2012 as production and CF come online. Huge silver deposits in South America.
Eastern Platinum - ELR recommended at 1.47 - their demand is not only from Jewellery but from automotive cars so there is some industrial demand component. More of a takeover target than Bear Creek.