Monday, January 17, 2011

Power Skating Drills

- Warm ups - dynamic stretching - bend down, one foot glide with other foot dragging in one line, hands above, one skate each, flip stick on each side like a staff,
- hockey stance. legs shoulder width apart on flat of blades. hockey stick in front. legs bent, torso up
- Hop on two feet stationary
- Hop on two feet while going forward.
- Hop on one foot each side then switch at half way
- more power when legs are more bent. Use the entire blade. heel to toe (finish with the toe). then bring it back in underneath you (the toe almost dragging on the ice)
- Hockey stop practice. Go perpendicular to the long ice. Then power stride and slide with the other skate making snow. switch half way.
- 25% 50% 75% 100% at each corner. then do a full lap at 100% taking note that your strides should be heel to toe then almost drag the toe on the ice then bring it back up.

- 25% 50% 75% 100% at each corner. then do a full lap at 100% taking note that your strides should be heel to toe then almost drag the toe on the ice then bring it back up. make sure hockey stick is going front back and not side side
- Hockey stops; find somewhere on the ice and practice 4 drills. The 2 foot stop - equal shaving of ice with both legs; 1 foot stop on outside leg, 1 foot stop on inside leg (you can do this 2 ways (i) outside foot and then stop as a T with inside foot in front of skate and then (ii) behind skate)
- Hockey stops diagonal across the entire ice
- Fall and then get up. Your weight should lean on the knee that is standing. The faster you get up the easier it is.
- One foot down on the ice at a time and keep switching looks like switching forward lunges - HARD
- One foot glide forwards (other leg tucked back perpendicular)
- Backward glide on one foot after getting speed. (did this in partners where one person grabs the others stick and skates forward the other goes backwards and then lifts one leg.
- Skate backwards in C cuts. Frog legs back wards and forwards. Then one sided c thrusts
- When doing fast turns most of weight is on inside leg and weight is over that leg and then the other leg goes around. Weight is on equal part of blade

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